Heather's Dill Pickles close up

It’s cucumber harvesting time in Heather’s garden. They’re cool and refreshing on a hot summer’s day. We like to slice them up and put them in sandwiches, on salads and in pitchers of water. Best of all, we like to make dill pickles. Over the years, Heather has modified a recipe from Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook. Enjoy!

Scrub 3-or-4-inch cucumbers with brush. (We used 9 lbs which yields approximately 9 quart jars.) Pack loosely in hot quart jars. To each quart add: 2 heads fresh dill, 1 teaspoon mustard seed and 1/2 teaspoon sliced garlic. Make brine by combining 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups water, and 1 tablespoon granulated pickling salt for each quart; bring to boil. Fill hot jars to within 1/2 inch of top with brine. Adjust lids. Process in boiling water bath for 20 minutes (start timing as soon as jars are placed in water).
*Note. Please consult a reputable canning/jarring protocol for canning details.

Heather's Dill Pcikles
Batch #1