Are you looking to strengthen and tone your lower body, but are bored with the same old squats? Then try these three squat variations. You’ll love them!

Stand on a BOSU dome-side down with feet about shoulder width. Keep back straight and move your hips back and downward as though you were sitting in a chair behind you. When your thighs reach parallel to the floor, return to the starting position by extending your knees and hips.

Face a wall with your legs shoulder width apart. Hold medicine ball with both hands. Lean forward at your waist slightly and bend your knees so as to go into a squat. Be sure to keep your back flat. As you squat down, let your arms hang between ankles. As you squat up, thrusting from hips, thighs and low back, toss the medicine ball against the wall. Carefully catch the ball in a standing position and repeat. Be sure to exhale as you toss the ball and inhale as you catch it.

Face the inside of a smith machine and grip the bar with your hands a little wider than your shoulders. Place bar squarely on your traps and shoulders (not the neck). Carefully rotate bar off rack keeping your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Keeping your heels planted firmly on the floor and your back straight at all times, move your hips back and downward as though you were sitting in a chair behind you (knees should never extend out further than toes). 
When your thighs reach parallel to the floor, return to the starting position by extending your knees and hips and pushing through your heels.