I was twelve years old when my father turned 40. Twenty-eight years later here I am. There’s some gray in my beard and on my head. At least Heather says it looks distinguished. And honestly, I feel great. I’m quicker and more agile than I was twenty years ago. Knock wood, I’m injury-free too. Between two major car accidents and some sports related injuries, something usually comes up. But I try to practice what I preach about body intuition and having fun.

Some people say that my energy is naturally high. I think it’s a combination of diet, exercise, sleep and attitude. A cup of coffee doesn’t hurt either :-) Recently, I was playing doubles tennis and ran down a few drop shots. One of the guys on the other team said “Eric, what are you, 25?” I smiled and thanked him for the compliment. 40 seems like big number, but as the sayings go “Age is just a number.”, “Age is a state of mind.” and “You’re only as old as you feel.” My three boys (ages 8, 5 and 2 weeks old) help keep me young too. This may sound cliche, but I’m passionate about living life and helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. . . and having fun along the way. It’s all about the journey, or as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” So what does the next decade bring for the Healthiest Man in America? That’s easy to answer. Live life to the fullest . . . and schedule my colonoscopy for my 50th.