You Can See the Difference

Back in California I trained primarily out of one gym, but I worked out at several gyms. Some were giant warehouses downtown and others were glass buildings facing the beach. Some had top-of-the-line equipment and others had second-hand machines. Even when I was in college I would rotate locations. Why? I felt I needed a change of scenery. Otherwise, my workouts eventually seemed stale and redundant.

Now it’s a different story. I love training at my home fitness studio: one-on-one with a client, their choice of music and a great view. We’re situated on a 5 acre lot and my studio looks out onto my wife’s vegetable garden. (See pic below.) It’s not facing a parking lot, busy street or office building. Aiming southwest there is a lot of natural sunlight and my clients often comment on how relaxed and energized they are. I feel the same way, so I workout in my studio too. Must be all the green and fresh air.

Heather’s garden from my fitness studio.

You Can See the Difference2012-07-09T14:35:18-05:00

Speed, Agility & Quickness

How do you improve in your chosen sport or athletic endeavor? You practice, practice, practice. 100 lay-ups, 100 backhands, 100 passes. There are also numerous drills to simulate how you jump, pivot, shuttle, turn, twist, reach and tuck on the court or field. So if you’re looking to get faster, improve coordination and up your conditioning try these three drills.

Hi March
From a standing position, lift and extend one leg in front of you. At the same time touch the top of your foot with the opposite hand. Lower leg and arm and repeat with other side.

Plyo Box Jumps
Stand facing plyometric box or high step with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 
Lower body into a semi-squat position, bring elbows back, and immediately jump up onto box. Arms come up and feet should land softly on box. Step or jump back down and repeat. Be sure to use arms to help movement. Exhale as you jump up.

Sprint and Backpedal
Start in a 3-point stance. Sprint 5 yards (or selected distance) to first cone, touch with one hand, then backpedal diagonally to second cone.

Speed, Agility & Quickness2012-06-22T13:36:20-05:00

Get Moving with the Middleton Rec Dept

Staying active is a key component to a healthy lifestyle. And what better way to enjoy different activities than through the Middleton Recreation Department. They provide a variety of youth, teen and adult programs. While most classes are offered in summer, there are also programs in fall, winter and spring. I recently signed up for intermediate tennis lessons starting June 18th, and my two boys will be taking swim lessons during the summer. So if you want to add some fun and creativity to your exercise regime, check out your city’s Recreation Department.

Get Moving with the Middleton Rec Dept2012-06-13T14:22:32-05:00

Try it and You Might Like it

What if I don’t like it? What if it doesn’t work for me? What if I get injured? There are a lot of what ifs when it comes to health and fitness. My best suggestion is to experiment and try new things. If an exercise doesn’t feel right, for example, you might need to adjust the weight, your form or simply not do it at all. And that’s okay. Of the thousands of different exercises there is not one that you absolutely have to do to reach your goals. Having a variety of exercises in your workout arsenal, however, gives you more choices and allows you to be creative with your workouts.

A few years ago, I was at a fitness club warming up when a friend walked by. I asked him what his routine was for the day. He told me and asked if I’d like to join him. I said sure, but I’d do it at my pace. Jack is 15 years younger than me and is a kickboxer. Let’s just say I lasted less than 30 minutes. The shear volume of repetitions was amazing. We were doing resistance exercises and took no breaks between sets. It combined both anaerobic and aerobic exercises. At the time, I had not trained this way and it was a real eye-opener. Working out with Jack taught me that there was room for improvement, and in addition, reminded me to vary my work outs. Lesson learned.

Here’s another example of experimenting. My brother came out to visit a couple weeks ago, and we played tennis several times. On the first day we practiced with two demo racquets from The Tennis Shop. What a great experience! Each racquet affected our game differently. One racquet gave us more control while another more power. Not only could we see and feel our own shots, but each other’s as well. So we alternated racquets every 10 minutes to make comparisons. On another day, we played with two different racquets. Ken immediately fell in love with the Volkl Organix 10. His shots were clean and accurate. I preferred the Prince EXO Rebel and it was obvious to the both of us with my first forehand. So be willing to try things. Experiment. And remember with any new exercise or equipment to warm up properly and start slow.

Try it and You Might Like it2012-05-29T11:00:13-05:00

Take a Break and Get Fit Faster

Would you like to achieve your health and fitness goals faster? If you answered YES, I’m going to share a secret with you. Something other fitness gurus don’t want you to know. Are you ready? Take a break. Give your body and mind a chance to decompress. Think about how you feel when you’re on vacation. Inhale and take a deep breath. You’re relaxed. As my Dad says, your biggest worry on vacation is what you’re going to have for lunch. Not too stressful.

Changing your daily routine keeps you from getting stagnant. When you come back from a break, you feel refreshed, refueled and invigorated. It might only be a weekend, but it makes a huge difference. Sometimes clients will express apprehension about not working out while they’re on vacation. I assure them that it’s okay, and there’s a good chance that when they come back they’ll be stronger. And I’m not just talking about taking a break from your exercise routine. I mean your routine of checking email every five minutes, driving the kids to soccer practice or hurrying to your next appointment. Just typing the last sentence made my chest tighter. Ugh!

My big brother, Ken, visited last week, and when I dropped him off at the airport yesterday he said that it was the most relaxing vacation he’d ever had. He got a chance to read (for fun), wake up to singing birds (not an alarm clock), sit in the passenger seat of my car (not driving in stop-and-go traffic in Los Angeles) and eat home-cooked meals (without having to prepare them). His battery was recharged. The funny thing is that Ken lifted weights in my studio once and we played tennis five times during his trip . . . and he was still re-energized. So when is your weekend getaway?

Take a Break and Get Fit Faster2012-05-21T14:50:36-05:00

Mark Your Calendar!

Support Public Television and get a great deal on Personal Training sessions by checking out Wisconsin Public Television’s 37th Annual Auction! Friday June 1st is the Sports and Recreation Category. Balance Personal Training has donated three packages of 2 personal training sessions. You can bid online or over the phone. New clients only. For more info goto WPT Auction.

Mark Your Calendar!2012-05-10T11:12:16-05:00

Say Cheese! 10 Tips for a Healthy Smile

Twice a day, I ask my boys “Did you brush your teeth?” That’s immediately followed by “Don’t forget to use toothpaste.” Taking care of your teeth goes beyond brushing and flossing. Diet and exercise play major roles in your dental health. Here are 10 tips to a “pearly white” smile:

1. Try not to grit your teeth when you exercise. Sometimes when you’re training intensely or lifting heavy you might clench your jaw. Be careful, I know someone who cracked a molar in the middle of doing bench press.
2. Eat a well-balanced diet. The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in vegetables, fruits, dairy and whole grains protect teeth and gums.
3. Avoid drinking dark liquids. I’m probably going to get a lot of comments about this one. But beverages such as colas, dark juices and black tea will stain your teeth. So be sure to brush immediately afterwards.
4. Eat crispy foods like apples, celery and lettuce. They are natural cleaners and also stimulate your gums.
5. Get a new toothbrush. It always amazes me how much better a new toothbrush feels on my teeth and gums. Over the years I’ve tried different brushes and finally settled on one with a smaller head. So be sure to find a comfortable brush and replace it at least every 3 months.
6. Chew on some mints leaves. Most people only see mint used as a garnish on a dessert, but did you know that peppermint and spearmint oils fight many types of harmful bacteria in your mouth? When I help Heather in the garden I’ll pick a mint leaf and chew it. My mouth immediately feels cleaner.
7. Floss everyday. This doesn’t need an explanation, does it?
8. Keep your hands our of your mouth. Okay so maybe this is aimed at kids. But sometimes grownups do it too. I have a son who has lost two baby teeth and it seems like he’s always wiggling a loose tooth with his fingers. Dirty hands in your mouth? Ick.
9. Scrape your tongue. After you brush and floss your teeth, brush your tongue. There is bacteria on your tongue too. You can even use a tongue scraper.
10. Drink plenty of water. Water protects your teeth from decay and lubricates the tongue and tissues. Water also aids chewing, swallowing and digesting food. So drink up!

Say Cheese! 10 Tips for a Healthy Smile2012-05-04T09:09:49-05:00

Get on the Tennis Court

I picked up my first tennis racquet when I was 4 years old. It was heavy and made of wood, not like today’s composite graphite and fiberglass racquets. On some weekends my family and I would play at a tennis club, and on others my dad and I would practice against a backboard at a park. As I improved, I played for my tennis club and intermediate school. Today, I’m more of a recreational player. I like to practice with my boys and play the occasional pick-up game . . . nothing too competitive.

With proper practice you can develop quickness, balance, timing and coordination; these are attributes that enhance the performance of an individual’s daily activities. In addition, there’s consistency and mental toughness. Serving one hundred times in a row or hitting one hundred backhands forces you to focus and relax at the same time. If you are distracted or tight because of nerves, you’ll mishit the ball.

One aspect of the game that I really like is the mind game. The top tennis players exude confidence. They’ve put in the practice hours on and off the court and they’re ready for the big matches. They look relaxed and focused. Their belief level is super high. As a result, they’re willing to go for the big shots: a kick serve out wide, a drop shot from behind the baseline or a cross court backhand with lots of action on the ball. So what happens when their opponent sees this? Some are able to step up their game, and others implode. What do I mean? Their emotions get the best of them and they are filled with self-doubt. As a result, their timing is off, movement is slow, and they make poor shot selection.

So where am I going with all this? If you want to improve your physical performance and add creativity to your workouts, pick up a tennis racquet. And don’t forget the importance of mental toughness. This will help you stay on track, make adjustments and persevere.

Photo of my brother, Ken.

Get on the Tennis Court2012-04-23T14:17:41-05:00

Get Your Exercise with a Reel Lawn Mower

Two years ago I traded in my snow thrower for a snow scoop. This year I upgraded to a reel lawn mower. No motor, no gasoline, no noise, no smell. Just 5 blades, 4 wheels and 1EP (1 Eric Power). Now that’s going green. See it in action.

Get Your Exercise with a Reel Lawn Mower2012-04-10T14:24:25-05:00

Be Like Water

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” – Bruce Lee

This is one of Bruce Lee’s most famous quotes. What does it mean? Be flexible, make adjustments, try different approaches, be fluid, be open to change. When it comes to health and fitness, people often pigeon-hole themselves by trying to follow strict diets and workout programs. And what happens when they’re too tired to train that day or didn’t prepare that particular meal? They feel like a failure and sometimes get derailed. Why? The programs weren’t built with flexibility. They’re built to be followed; On Monday you eat A, B, C and do Routine #1 in a specific sequence. I don’t know about you, but my days are not always the same. My energy isn’t always 100%. And to expect that is pure folly.

Bruce Lee hoped to free his students “from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds.” There’s something comforting in following a pre-set program that others have done. However, it’s limiting because it’s not tailored to you. Let me give an example. I have had clients ask me to instruct the proper use of workout machines. After trying different seat positions, grips, and foot placements sometimes it still wouldn’t work. The answer is that the machines, even with all of the adjustments, aren’t designed to fit everyone. My frustrated client learned that she just didn’t fit. And that’s okay. The machine should conform to you and NOT the other way around.

Health and fitness is about being intuitive and instinctive. How does your body work? What feels good? Do you have the flexibility to do an alternative exercise when the lat pulldown machine is being used? Are you happy doing yard work on a sunny day in place of “going to the gym”? As Bruce Lee says “When one has no form, one can be all forms; when one has no style, he can fit in with any style.” I absolutely agree. To learn more of the science and philosophy by one of the greatest martial arts practitioners, read Tao of Jeet Kune Do.

Be Like Water2012-04-08T16:18:47-05:00
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